Saturday, May 16, 2020

Revenge in Hamlet by William Shakespeare - 1695 Words

Imagine a play in which a prince is seeking revenge of his father’s murder and ultimately succeeds. Now, imagine a play with the same plot, but with young love, dramatic scenes denying this love, and true madness that leads to suicide. Which sounds better? Which would hold your attention longer? Odds are that the second play described is the choice you have chosen or unknowingly chosen in your thoughts. If it is not, then you would be missing out on one of the most famous plays written by William Shakespeare. Both plays described have the fundamental plot of this Shakespeare’s Hamlet, but only the second is the true play that Shakespeare intended to be performed. Only the second play includes the young, lovesick and distraught†¦show more content†¦in Ophelia’s soliloquy she utters â€Å"and I, of ladies most deject and wretched, that sucked the honey of his musicked vows†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and â€Å" O, woe is me. T’have seen what I have seen, see what I see!† which indicate that she is absorbed in self pity and is hitting rock bottom (3.1 169-170, 174-175). Once Ophelia has reached this point, she is changed forever. She has now seen the evil depths of love and it only takes her father’s death to send her into madness which she displays in Act 4. Scene 5. when she distractedly appears before the Queen singing of death. From this point on Ophelia is lost and only speaks in rhymes until she exits and commits suicide, indirectly stated by Gertrude’s message to the king that Ophelia has â€Å"drowned†. Thus, we see Ophelia’s transition from strong to weak to madness and her undeclared love for her father. Polynius’ death pushing Ophelia into madness reveals that Ophelia did in fact care for her father, which is unapparent from the previous scenes of the play. All that is apparent is that Polynius is a controlling father whom Ophelia obeys. During her madness, Ophelia says â₠¬Å"I cannot choose but weep to think they would lay him I’th’ cold ground† which along with her suicide affirms that she cares about and loves him. Once her love for her father is determined, you can see several connections between Ophelia and Hamlet. First and foremost, both are driven into â€Å"madness† partially due to their father’s. Whether Hamlet truly becomesShow MoreRelatedRevenge Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare892 Words   |  4 PagesThe theme of Revenge has been utilized in numerous works of art throughout history, including books, plays, movies, etc. Revenge is the result of one’s desire for vengeance, however, revenge is known to be implied under high emotions of anger thus not with reason concluding with a horrible outcome. 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This play was written by Shakespeare between 1599 and 1602; no one is exactly certain about the date Hamlet was written (Hunt 2). The protagonist of this play is a prince named Hamlet; he is a prince of Denmark. Hamlet’s father was killed by his uncle Claudius, who became king afterwards. Not only did Claudius become king of Denmark, he took Hamlet’s mother, Gertrude, as his wife. This play is the longest of all Shakespeare’s plays

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