Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Texting while driving Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Texting while driving - Research Paper Example Despite the best efforts from the part of governments and law enforcement agencies, there was a 28 percent increase in the number of accidents over the period from 2005 to 2008. Many people accept the fact that they resort to use cell phone while driving; a practice that takes away many lives and that makes many people incapacitated for their entire lives. It is surprising to note that in sharp contradiction with the popular belief, it is adults who are more likely to resort to texting while driving. According to the a Pew Research Centre study, 47 percent of adults do this while only 34 percent teenagers admit doing the same ( When police officers find it easy to catch those who talk on phone while driving, it is difficult for them to find those who are texting. It is generally pointed out that enforcement of a texting ban is not an easy task as it requires officers to identify an act that usually takes place in a driver’s lap. Despite all these issues associ ated with the use of mobile while driving, it is rather ironic to note that the car manufacturers are not paying any attention to this issue at all. Instead, they are preparing their next generation vehicles with more entertainment. To illustrate, Ford rolls out Twitter and Pandora as a part of their dashboard console entertainment; an invitation card to disasters. It seems that despite the large numbers of accidents, people do not fully understand the graveness of the problem, or are unwilling to mend their ways as they are addicted to mobile. A study conducted by the Virginia tech Transportation Institute (cnet. News) found that those who send text message while driving are twenty-three times more likely to have a crash than the non-distracted drivers (LeBeau). However, the study found a much lesser possibility of accident when the driver is talking on a phone. In this case, the possibility of accident is 1.3 times higher than that of a non-distracted driver. At this juncture, it seems useful to look into the NHTSA study that reveals that 80 percent of crashes and 60 percent of near-crashes are the result of some sort of driver distraction. According to the study, the principal forms of distraction while driving are cell phone use, trying to handle moving objects inside the vehicle, giving attention to another event outside the vehicle, reading while driving, and trying to apply makeup. According to experts, texting is more dangerous than talking on phone. According to studies, drivers who resort to text messaging take 400 percent more time off the road. In addition, they are 70 percent less likely to keep proper lane. While the driver who talks on phone is able to watch the road, the one who is texting has to look at his or her hands, thus, unable to watch the road ahead. Despite all these frightening facts, people do not seem to change their habits. As reported by Bruno (in USA Today), the reason is simple in the opinion of James Katz, director of the Cent er for Mobile Communications at the Rutgers University. According to him, it is basic human nature to believe that they can handle a situation better than others even when they are aware of the dangers involved. As Pittman (66) points out, it is not possible for the US citizens to easily forget the 2008 train disaster that killed 25 people and injured 138 people. In the accident, a Metrolink Commuter Train collided with a Union Pacific freight train. According

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Respiratory therapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Respiratory therapy - Essay Example He did not see a doctor although he was advised to. At the point when his fever reached 38.3 C (101F) and he was experiencing shortness of breath he drove himself to the hospital. O: Patient was well-nourished, and in respiratory distress n 2l/min oxygen by nasal cannula. His blood pressure was 165/90, heart rate of 120 bpm, respiratory rate of 33/min and oral temperature of 39.5 C (105F). "He demonstrated a frequent strong "hacky" and productive cough of white and yellow sputum. His skin appeared pale and damp." At the pronunciation of the 99 phrase the increased tactile and vocal fremitus were observed over the right lower lung along with bronchial sounds in the same region. His oxygen saturation was 87% and his arterial blood gases were as follows: "pH 7.56, PaCO2 24 mmHg, HCO3 -24 mmol/L, PAo2-56mmHg. His chest X-ray shows a right lobe infiltrated with pneumonia, air bronchograms, and alveolar consolidation. His white blood cell count was 21,000mm^3. S: The therapist performing the rounds, 6 hours later, noticed that the patient complained that his doctor is too "young" and that he feels worse when he came to the hospital, although at this time his vitals were better O: high blood pressure at 135/85, hr=90bpm, and resp, rate=19/min; oral temperature was 37.3C or 99F.; he also had strong nonproductive cough; chest ray indicated a partial resolution of the pneumonia, his bronchial breath sounds were audible and his SPO2 and ABGs values improved