Wednesday, October 30, 2019

MKTG Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8

MKTG - Essay Example Firms usually seek to minimize turnover of salespeople possessing high transaction assets, which may be costly to the organization as this translates into an opportunity loss and direct costs flowing from fresh training. Executives within a company may be lured into believing that promoting the top salesperson and putting five people under them will translate into five times the sales. This may be an illusion and may be far from reality. Promotion to a management position should not be solely based on performance only. This stems from the fact that a selling role and managerial position require distinct abilities and diverse motivators (Ingram et al. 289). A core trait that should be sought in the promotion of salespersons into management is a demonstration of being a top salesperson with a possession of a solid work ethic, among other aspects. Promotion into management for a salesperson is not a soft option as the manager is expected to manage a successful sales team and deliver predictable performance. Moreover, top salespeople who get promoted are rarely awarded a functioning, highly-effective sales team. The pressure to turn around the fortunes heaps a lot of pressure on the manager. Critics to promotion based on a selling role point out that this is a prime example of promoting people to â€Å"a level of incompetence.† The move should not be inspired by â€Å"disciple selling,† as this is a recipe for failure. The motivation of the promotion should be a conviction that the salespersons have the potential to succeed in that capacity. This demands an application of a clear cut process and methodology in order to evaluate the best sales management candidates. The depressing aspect of most promotions from selling roles is that the vast majority of the new managers are not successful in their endeavors. The move from a technical or sales position into management is usually complicated

Monday, October 28, 2019

Farewell Speech Essay Example for Free

Farewell Speech Essay A Journey by Train A journey by train is the cheapest, comfortable and safe. Last Sunday I went to see my uncle at Rawalpindi. I got up early in the morning. I hired a rickshaw and reached the station. I bought a ticket. There was great rush at the platform. Every body was in a hurry. The train reached in time. I hurriedly boarded the train. Fortunately, I got comfortable seat near the window. The guard whistled and the train moved at 5 a. m. The train passed through the green fields, barren areas and mountains. Trees, buildings and mountains looked running backward. I saw different sights and landscapes. The train crossed many rivers and canals. At last, it arrived at 11 a. m. at Rawalpindi Railway Station. My uncle and cousin were present there to receive me. It was a good experience. My Country The name of my country is Pakistan. It is my home land. It is a Muslim country. It is founded by Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. It came into existence on August 14, 1947. it has four provinces. Punjab, Sindh, Frontier and Baluchistan. Every province has its own culture. The people of every province are recognized by their language and dress. But being Pakistanis, they all are one nation. Its national language is Urdu. The official language is still English. Its population is about 16 crore. It is an agricultural country. There are many rivers in it which irrigate its crops. Its main food crops are wheat, maize and rice. Its main cash crops are cotton, tobacco, and seeds. Its area is 310403 square miles. There are high mountains, vast plains and deep sea in it. India China and Afganistan are its neighbouring countries. There are many universities, colleges, and schools in it. It is making progress in industry quickly. May God keep my country in running condition! My village A.B.C is my village. It is situated on Lahore Faisalabad main road. It is 35 kilometers from Faisalabad. It is a large and big village. Its population is about 22,000. Most of the villagers are farmers. Some are factory workers. Some are government servants. The others do their own business. All the villagers are hardworking. They earn well. All are well to do. There are left only some kacha houses. The people of my village are very fond of learning. Except some, all the boys and girls go to school and colleges. There are two high schools in my village one for boys and one for girls. There are six shops in my village. There is a post office, a patwar-khana, an office of the union council and a dispensary in it. The agricultural land of my village is very fertile and rich. My village produces big crops every year. It is an important and beautiful village. SCHOOL SHOKEEPER OR OUR TUCK-SHOP We have a nice, little tuck-shop in our school. It is run by Mr. Nazir. He is about 45. He is a gentleman. He is very polite to polite the students. Most of the students are known to him. He sells fruit, sweets, eggs, milk, tea and other edibles. We can buy cold drinks of many kinds and some stationary. Sometimes the students borrow things. He writes their names with date and amount in a register. He charges the reasonable prices. He sells the pure and No.1 things. The headmaster often tests and checks his things. He advises him to keep his things clean, fresh and pure. It is always a pleasure to pay a visit to it. Rich students frequently visit the shop while the poor now and then. Because it needs some money to visit his shop recess is the rush time of this shop. The shop keeper opens it before the school opens and closes it after the school time. A FARMER A farmer is the most important member of our society. He grows food and corn for us. He gets up with the first crow of the cock. He goes to the cattle shed. He feeds his cattle and milks the buffaloes. Then he says the morning prayers. He takes his breakfast and goes to fields. He works there till noon. Now he ploughs the fields. Then he sows the crops. At another time, he waters the fields. At noon, his wife brings his lunch. After the lunch, he takes some rest, after about two hours, he is again busy with his work. He returns home in the evening. My Father Father is a blessing of Allah. But a kind and generous father is the greatest blessing of Allah. M. Riaz is my dear father. He is an M.A in English and teaches in local High School. He is about 30. He is tall and strong. He is clean shave. He has a graceful personality. He is a true Muslim. He says his prayers regularly. He recites the Holy Quran daily. He awakes us early in the morning and takes us to the masjid. He makes us to live according to the Sunnah. He never lets us go astray. He does his duty honestly. He teaches us to be honest to our work. The Telephone. The telephone was one of the most important inventions of the nineteenth century. It was invented by Alenander Graham Bell. Since then, the telephone changed many forms, shapes and sizes. Later, mobile phones were produced. Their use is that they can be carried anywhere, as they are very small. The telephone works in the way that it converts our sound into electric impulses. These impulses then travel through wires and cables and reach the receiver as sound. At first the telephone was present in only the big cities. In small towns and villages, it was not present. But then, as development of towns and villages took place, the telephone was provided over there as well. Also, international calls could not be made directly, People had to go to exchanges to make international calls. But now you can dial international number sitting in your house. Now-a-days, you can even make phone calls through the computer. Telephone is a great facility for the people of all around the world to connect them one another. Television What a wonderful feat the scientists have done by invented a television! They have provided us with a source of recreation. It is a boon for the people. In the twenty first century, science is progressing by leaps and bounds. It has caused many inventions. The television is one of the wonders of this age. It has made our life easier and more pleasant. We are very fortunate that we are born in the modern scientific age. The television is a symbol of the wonderful progress. It is manufactured by a large number of firms. It has become very common now-a-days. We can say, it has become a part of modern life. We enjoy many facilities as the ancient people could not even dream of it. We are indebted to that benefactor of humanity who invented it. Bit scientists are always busy in inventing such things as many lessen the troubles of human beings and give them comfort. A village Fair There was time when the amusements enjoyed by the villagers were quite different from that of the people living in cities. They took part in the sports, Kabaddi matches and listened to folk songs. With the passage of time, we find no difference between the amusements of the villagers and those of the citizen. Construction of roads has connected the villages to the cities. Electricity has been supplied to most of the villages. Every village has a television set and refrigerator in his home. That entertains his guests with pepsi cola and other cold drinks. Besides sports and kabaddi matches a village fair is also poplar recreation for the village folk. Farmers work hard all the year in their fields. They need some hours of relief and relaxation from boring life. A fair provides them a good entertainment after a harvest. It provides them an opportunity to enjoy to their heart’s content. They forget their cares, worries and laborious work. They put a few hours in the fun and frolic of the fair. Fairs are associated with seasons. In Lahore Mela Cheraghan is held in the last week of March. Mela Naulakha Hazrari is held at Shahkot (Sheikhupura) on 23rd March every year. It is celebrated in memory of a saint. Villagers come from far and near to enjoy the fair. It continues for three day. They attend the fair in groups. They shout, laugh and dance at the beat of drums. There are stalls and shops of toys and sweets, which have a good sale. Fair the most popular form of entertainment for the villagers. It provides them relief from the year long hard work. Mobile Mobile is a mini device through which people talk with one another. It is the latest invention of this era. There was a time when telephone had great important in business fields and in houses to keep the people in touch with one another. But with the advent of mobile, houses look bare with telephones even offices as well. Mobile is a mini device without wires. Mobile is not only a means of talking to others but also it does many other activities of people. The latest mobiles work like a computer. We can watch movies stored in its memory. We can draw a lot of pictures through its camera. We can watch many live programmes on its mini screen if it has the facility of internet in its functions. Using internet, we can employ facebook , google, youtube and many more websites that we need. Mobile is a sort of mini computer. A latest mobile does all the activities which a computer does. It always remains with us and helps us when we are in trouble. A traveling person does not have any difficulty to reach his goal. A business man always feels a helplessness if he does not have any mobile. Mobile has become the dire need of human life.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Return Of The Native Essay -- essays research papers

In Thomas Hardy’s poem “Her Dilemma,'; it relates to book one of the novel Return of the Native in the concept of marriage and distrust of feelings. In both the poem and the novel, the woman’s feelings and emotions cause conflict in her marriage. It is interesting that both these literary works has a marriage transpire with one person doubtful, especially during a time when divorce was unconceivable. The question arises, should a lifetime decision be made solely upon the basis of one’s personal desires?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In “Her Dilemma'; the title gives the reader a clue that a choice must be made between equally undesirable alternatives. Hardy uses iambic pentameter as the rhyme scheme to make the poem flow smoothly. The first stanza uses detail to describe an ancient church where the couple is soon to be married. Once this stanza ends Hardy’s attitude changes to one of sorrow. “For he was soon to die, --he softly said, ‘Tell me you love me!’—Holding hard her hand.'; It is pathetic that this is the last wish of a dying man. Hardy’s use of consonance allows the reader to understand the man’s feelings. Next stanza the tone changes again, to one of pity for the woman who sells her soul “to be a moment kind.'; Regardless of whether the woman decides to marry, the man will die. Eventually, her sympathy for the man overwhelms her consciou...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Predictions on the Highest and Lowest Achievers in an Elementary School Class :: Teaching Education

Predictions on the Highest and Lowest Achievers in an Elementary School Class The highest achievers and the lowest achievers in an elementary class can sometimes be treated differently because of their achievement levels. Without even knowing the class very well it can be determined who in the class is more likely to be a higher achiever and who is not as gifted. Even though it is evident sometimes who is the least and highest achievers a great deal of the time the best achievers can be overlooked if you simply watch a class for an hour. One student who I picked out, as a high achiever was a boy named Travis. Travis performed above average in gym class and was overall a better athlete and competitor than the other students in the class. This overall fitness made me consider him to be a student who was a higher achiever. Since he was better at athletics then I reasoned that he might be better at other aspects of school besides athletics. Travis also exhibited math skills by beating the rest of the class consistently in the math assignments that where done during the class as well as having the right answers. Another student that I considered a high achiever based on my observations was a boy named James. James was well dressed, wearing church type clothes. He was also an outgoing a generally happy kid who didn’t seem to mind being in school or in the class. The happiness that he exhibits gives you the feeling that he must be a high achiever because if he was unhappy about the situation than he would not try as hard. However, since he does seem to be happy then he would try his best and be enthusiastic about learning. The last student that I picked out as someone who is a higher achiever is a girl who pays attention very well and seems to follow the teacher’s line of thought throughout the class. As well as paying attention and participation in class this girl, Jackie, asked an insightful question that needed to be asked. The question pertained to a fundraising activity and Jackie asked for the teacher to clarify a certain aspect that could be interpreted in a number of different ways.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


About hotel pokhara grande Hotel Pokhara Grande is a luxurious five-star hotel situated in the city about 1. 5 km walk from Phewa Taal (lake). Since its inception in 01/07/2007, the hotel has been catering to the needs of our diverse patronage with a complete hospitality experience being our motto. Whether it is a relaxing retreat with world-class accommodation and food or perhaps a conference with a banquet you’re after, rest assured your expectations will be surpassed at Hotel Pokhara Grande. The hotel now has forty-one(41) rooms added to the already existing seventy-eight (78).Enjoy the pristine views a well-manicured garden, state of the art equipment and professional staff in our facilities. If you’ve chosen Pokhara Grande you will experience only the best. About Pokhara The City of Pokhara is located approximately one hundred and ninety-eight km (198km) west of Kathmandu. It is a delightful destination for tourists seeking adventure, be it Himalayan expeditions, t reks, rafting, kayaking, paragliding or a peek at the surrounding villages’ life and amazing sights comprising of lakes, waterfalls, mountains, caves and temples. Getting There There are countless options available to get from other major hubs of Nepal to Pokhara. For example†¦You can fly, use a bus (of which tourist coaches are pretty comfortable) or rent a vehicle. Approximately twelve to fifteen flights operate from Kathmandu to Pokhara. | Facilities : Swimming Pool Splash about in our pool and beat the summer heat perhaps sipping an exotic cocktail while you watch your little ones have fun in the kiddies’ pool. |   | Spa Pavitra Give your body the ultimate treat at Pavitra.The team at Pavitra pride themselves in having mastered and administered professional massages using top-notch techniques and paraphernalia such as herbal oil concoctions will soothe your senses. Besides you could choose to use the sauna or have a steam bath or have water jets massage you in the Jacuzzi. Once our new location is complete, Pavitra will become one of the finest spas in Pokhara and all of Nepal. Some of the treatments they provide are listed below:Our spa treatments: Acupressure or Shiatsu: Derived from Japanese â€Å"Shi† and â€Å"atsu† mean ‘finger pressure’.It’s a psychological and physical treatment by applying pressure on various pointsAroma Therapy: This style enhances relaxation in general and improves circulation, relieving muscular tensionAyurvedic Massage: Retrieves nutrients within the body to expel toxinsHead and Shoulder Massage: Increases flow of blood to the scalpShirodhara: Involves warm and consistent flow of aromatic oils on the foreheadOther massages: Traditional Nepali massage, Reiki healing, body scrub, stone therapy, Thai massage, Trekkers’ massage|   Ã‚  | Gymnasium Our  gymnasium  is part of the most premier health club in Pokhara.The gym has stgate of the art equipment and well-app ointed congenial staff have the expertise to guide you towrds a thorough and befitting workout. |   | Other Facilities Ample Parking Spage, Business Centre, Travel Desk, Free Shuttle Service to Phewa Taal ( lake) List of Facilities 😠 Room Facilities | Air conditioning| Hairdryer | Restaurants| Satellite TV | Room Services | Coffee shop | Banquet & Conference | Business center | Safe deposit box| Telephone | Bar| Shopping Arcade| Leisure and other facilities | Babysitting |   | Car rental | Currency exchange|   |   | Florist |   |   | Laundry   services |   |   | Swimming pool|   |   | | | Tariff : Room| Price| Meal| Single| 85|   Lunch – US $ 12| Double| 100|   Dinner – US $ 12| King| 140|   | Extra Bed | 30|   | |   |   | Accommodation in Kathmandu: | Soaltee Crowne Plaza| 5 Star | Vaishali  Hotel | 4 Star | Hyatt Regency | 5 Star | Royal Singhi Hotel| 4 Star | Hotel De'L Annapurna | 5 Star | Hotel Manang| 3 Star | Yak and Ye ti Hotel   | 5 Star | Hotel Tradition   | 2 Star   | The Everest Hotel | 5 Star| Tirupati Holiday Inn   | 2 Star   | Radisson Hotel| 5 Star | Hotel Buddha | 1 Star | | Accommodation in Nagarkot 😠 Club Himalaya| Hotel View Point | | | Accommodation in Lumbini 😠 Buddha Maya Garden| Hotel Yeti   |Hotel Lumbini Garden | Hotel Glasgow | Hotel Nirvana   Ã‚   |   | | | Accommodation in Pokhara 😠 Hotel Khukuri Pokhara| Hotel Blue Heaven | Shangrila Village Resort | Hotel Moonlight Resort | Fish Tail Lodge     | The Fulbari Resort   | Hotel Barahi | Hotel Dharma Inn | Hotel Tulshi|   | | | Accommodation in Chitwan 😠 Chitwan Jungle Lodge| Machan Wildlife Resort   | Tiger Tops Jungle Lodge| Temple Tiger | Island Jungle Resort   Ã‚  Ã‚   | Unique wild Resort| | | Accommodation in Dhulikhel 😠 Dhulikhel Lodge Resort| Mirabel Hotel Resort | Himalayan Shangri-La Resort |   | | | For More Information: [email  protected] com| | | |

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Red Skelton essays

Red Skelton essays We know him as Freddy the Freeloader, Clem Kaddidlehopper, Cauliflower McPugg and Dead Eye. His career spanned over fifty years and he conquered every entertainment medium from vaudeville to television. He is Red Skelton, whos remarkable skill to evoke emotional responses from laughter to tears from his audiences have marked him as one of the greatest and best loved comedians. In his biography of this great comedian, Arthur Marx captured the many and diverse aspects of Red Skelton. While he was a comedic clown on the outside, like many other comedians, Skeltons home life was anything but funny. Marx illustrates how Skeltons private life was full of tragedy, including the death of his only son from leukemia, the suicide of his wife, and his own near mental collapse. Marx says that through much of his life, Skelton was an unhappy and tormented individual, a sad and lonely man who trusted practically no one and who was as unreachable as a distant star. Skelton was the son of a circus clown was raised in poverty, he quit school at the age of seven and trouped in circuses, carnivals, and vaudeville theaters. Marx points out that his career began in his hometown of nearby Vincennes, Indiana. At age 10, he left his home to travel with a medicine show throughout the Midwest. He joined the vaudeville circus at age 15. Then at the young age of 17, Skelton married Edna Marie Stilwell, who later, even after their divorce, served as his manager and chief writer. Continuing the story of Skeltons career, Marx points out that Skelton made his debut on Broadway and radio in 1937 and on film in 1938 on the show Having Wonderful Time. At that time, known as Richard Skelton, he performed some of his own pieces such as a demonstration of how different people walk up and down stairs. That appearance, Marx says, may have been Skeltons big break. He was signed by MGM in 1940 to serve as comedy re ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Uniform education system in Pakistan Essay Example

Uniform education system in Pakistan Essay Example Uniform education system in Pakistan Paper Uniform education system in Pakistan Paper Shahzatb Qadeer Shaikh (17020011) Raazia Waseem Tuesday, October 15, 2013 The idea of a uniform education system for all is an exercise in futility. It can never happen. So resources should not be wasted on attempting to achieve the impossible. Poverty, terrorism and social and economic insecurity are a few of the numerous problems this country faces, the roots of all of which lie in a more basic issue: illiteracy. To solve the complex, ever-growing problem of illiteracy in Pakistan, numerous measures, including the prospect of a uniform education system, have been suggested. Although the idea of a uniform education system to tackle these problems shows promise because of the sense of unity and equality that it will give the nation and a more balanced educational curriculum it is expected to offer, the high costs relating to the project, the problems of centrally governing a one tier education system and the long period of time that it will take to properly implement the idea nationwide make it an exercise in futility. Broadly speaking there are 3 secondary education systems that exist in Pakistan: the SSC, HSC education system locally termed as the Metric/lntermediate system dministered by the Board of Secondary and Intermediate Education (BISE); the GCE (General Certificate of Education) system that replaces the SSC/HSC with O and A levels, administered by external British Examination Board of Cambridge; and the Maddersah system that is responsible for primarily providing religious education to children at secondary level. The education provided by the current SSC/HSC system has become totally outdated and given the pay scale of the average Pakistani citizen not everyone can afford to have their children study in the GCE system. There is need of a more balanced education system that provides up to date education to cater the needs of the modern world along with sufficient importance given to subjects like Urdu and religion which are somehow neglected in the GCE system. But a new uniform education system isnt really the answer to the problem, given sufficient funding and proper supervision the SSC/HSC curriculum can be re-written to modern standards to compete with external alternate examinations like the GCE system. The government can save on the huge costs of setting up the new one tier education ystem and use the capital elsewhere. Apart from that the existing 3 systems somehow create a barrier between the classes, the upper middle and elite class have their children study the GCE system the middle and lower class (those who can afford it) have their children study the Metric/lnter or Maddersah system. The gap between the classes has been deepened by the ever long economic crisis the country faces. A new uniform education system can give the privileged studying in the same schools in the same system will give the nation a sense of unitary direction. Then again it can be argued, education as a whole whether its uniform or systematic, teaches us about equality and unity. However, equality and unity are values which cannot and should not be drilled into young minds. These are the things that are understood and learnt more outside the class than inside, so no real need of a uniform education system exists for the sole purpose of promoting unity and equality. The idea of a single education system would mean that these education systems are replaced with a single centrally governed education system. The first thing to onsider is the new curriculum that has to be written up. A lot of research will be required to write up the new course outlines and the way they are taught. Extensive training for teachers in both rural and urban area will be required . This mean a lot of capital to start up with and continuous funding to keep the project running. Education projects in the early 2000s like the Education Sector Reforms ESR (2001-2003) passed by the Ministry of Education Pakistan were budgeted around Rs. 50-60 Billion, the budget for a project like a uniform education system of such a big cale would have to be even larger. Can a country with a budget deficit exceeding $5million afford such a project? Even if half of the capital that was spent earlier on previous projects is spent now under proper surveillance and without political bias, the existing SSC/HSC system can regain its former validity as a national education system that it had when it was originally introduced. Apart for the large costs attached to the idea of a uniform education system in the country the next big setback is the swarm of administrative problems that the project is deemed to face. The SSC/FSC system started failing to provide quality education to cater local needs in its early years because it was centralized. Although there are regional boards that are responsible for some aspects of education in their own particular districts but the main administrative responsibilities still rest in the hands of the BISE Pakistan. Dawood Shah in a Country report on Decentralization in the Education System of Pakistan stated: It is believed that highly centralized system of education is greatly hampering the efficiency and effectiveness of delivery service at the grass-root level. A decentralized education system can respond more effectively to local needs and will be easier to administer. A common education system being followed by the whole nation would mean a homogeneous standard of education being set wherever the education is being provided. This is a task near impossible because of the lack of trained staff available plus the huge geographical and cultural differences that exist in Pakistan. A uniform education system would not only be ineffective in delivery, it will also be suppressing cultural diversity which needs to be celebrated and built upon. Excessive training and better higher education facilities might solve the problem regarding the lack of trained staff but if a new uniform education has to be kept effective it has to be kept immune from diseases like corruption that mostly work when the system is large and highly centralized. Breaking down the system and giving more authority to the regional education and keep the system effective at every stage. More importantly, changes like these do not happen overnight and the time taken to bring a project into proper nationwide implementation has to be taken into onsideration while taking such a decision. Properly designing a new one tier education system and bringing it into working requires as much time as it does capital. A project of such a large scale could take up a decade to come into reality and keeping Pakistans progress on recent development projects in view it could take well over a decade. However reforms to the existing education system to rid it of errors and improvise the teaching standards requires lesser time and seems more practical as compared to the idea of designing a new one tier education system from scratch. Even if the project is successful people take time in placing their faith in something new. The parents who previously had their children studying the GCE curriculum would be reluctant to have their children study the new education system introduced by government. On the contrary if the SSC/FSC system is corrected and reformed to compete with modern education standards the parents would feel more comfortable in placing their trust in it. Not to forget that the GCE system gained popularity only recently and most of the parents themselves studied the SSC/HSC curriculum for heir secondary education. Although the countrys current situation makes it necessary for the government to rethink its education policies because of the failure of the existing education system to deliver quality education but the idea of a new education system will only be adding to the countrys cost and giving birth to more administrative problems in the already deeply faulted education system. However a series of education reforms to re-new the existing curriculum, re-train the faculty and rid it of flaws like corruption nd invalidity in terms of grading can bring about the same effects that the new single education system is aimed at doing. The solution is basically to rectify the system from the core not to replace it. Citations Dawood Shah, Country Report on Decentralization of Education System of Pakistan: Policies and strategies. Paragraph 3. aepam. edu. pk/Old/Publications/ Decentralization%20in%20the%20Education%20System%200f%20Pakistan. pdf ESR( Education sector Reforms) budget reference, http://siteresources. worldbank. org/ PAKISTANEXTN/Resources/Pakistan-Development-Forum/EduSectorReforms. pdf

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Wide Sargasso Sea And Nature

Wide Sargasso Sea And Nature Most people, who grow up in the society that they're born in, always identify these places as their homes and have a feeling of belonging towards them. Foreigners, usually associate themselves with the places where they spend most of their childhood. This issue is clearly seen in "Jean Rhys", Wide Sargasso Sea. The protagonist, Antoinette, finds comfort in her own homeland, Windward Islands. On the other hand, her husband Rochester, a foreigner to the Caribbean, feels like an outsider and dislikes the new land, which has no similarities to his native country. Both characters have a contrasting view of the Caribbean landscape because of their different backgrounds. These differences in opinion are seen as metaphors in the sense of place, history and identity.Throughout the story Antoinette shows her true feelings concerning her homeland, which are feelings of love. Unlike his wife, Rochester's dislikes the Caribbean environment and landscape because he feels he comes from England, a p lace with different views and sceneries.Antoinette IVGrowing up in the Caribbean as a child, Antoinette was used to being a lonely Creole girl. These isolations show her emotional signs towards the culture, which she was living in. She is adapted to a specific style of living, which belongs to all of the Caribbean nature and civilization that she contributes to. After her marriage, she feels bad because of her prediction that leads her to become unhappy with her husband. She believes that his different origin plays a major factor in his failure to adapt to the new culture and environment. In fact, even though Antoinette doesn't have the same perspectives as Rochester, she has no choice but to depend on him because of his financial and social management that she cannot live without. Anyhow, she has her wings clipped...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Oral Language Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Oral Language Development - Essay Example As projected by psychologists oral language development effectively takes place from the child’s early years, where in a child is capable of learning two or more languages easily as compared with adult learners. It is vital for a child to learn to communicate from a very early age, in order to become a fully literate and educated person. Since so much is developed and learned by a child early on, the education and proper training should be the most important component of the child’s life and into adolescent’s. Early literacy is defined as the stages undergone by a child in developing their language skills which includes reading and writing. Oral language performs essential functions in the development and enhancement of the child’s thinking skills. Through the development of oral language the critical thinking ability of a child undergoes the same pace. Familiarizing themselves with the vocabulary and the language basically makes them think of the proper a nd appropriate words on how to present and express their thoughts with other people. The aforementioned things provide a strong link between the child’s oral language development and early literacy. The more a child can interpret and deeply understand oral language, the greater the possibility that a child has the capacity to interpret, analyze, and understand written texts. Research findings have revealed that a child at his/her young age possessing an exemplary oral language development is more likely to reach a commendable literacy level; while in the reverse, a child with poor oral language development has a greater probability of having low level of literacy skills. Oral language, despite of its being one of the foundations of literacy, is often neglected or given lesser importance in emphasizing the enhancement of literacy skills. Oral language performs various essential roles in academic success as studies with monolingual English speakers illustrated. The skills used in deciphering knowledge and information cultivated by having oral language proficiency is the threshold toward the development of reading comprehension among these young learners. This shows the interrelationships among the four macro skills in language learning such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The vocabulary words that a child learned from his or her environment through listening and used in speaking are essential in developing his or her reading comprehension. IMPORTANCE OF READING SKILLS According to the article entitled â€Å"Reading, Literacy, and Your Child†, research has distinguished five basic reading skills which are all important in improving the literacy level of every child such as phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and fluency. Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear, distinguish, and play with isolated sounds known as â€Å"phonemes† in oral language; Phonics is the capability of connecting with the lette rs of the written language with the inclusion of the phonemes of the spoken language; Vocabulary which is considered as the words that a child needs to recognize in order to communicate proficiently; reading comprehension is the ability to deeply understand and derive meaning from

Friday, October 18, 2019

How long can a inmate stay in the county jail Essay

How long can a inmate stay in the county jail - Essay Example A day over that time, he has to go to prison. The norm is, no one ever serves their full sentence in a county jail, they usually spend a third of their sentence. However, a person who defies a judge's order, and is charged with contempt of court, may stay in jail indefinitely; as long as he/she refuses to follow the judge's order. The Wall Street Journal, posted January 8, 2009, Ashley Jones reported that a man who defies the judge's order, and was charged with contempt of court has been in jail for over ten years. No one can stay in jail longer than the time specified by a judge, unless that person commits another crime while in jail and has another trial, and is sentence to more time in jail. If this sentence exceeds a year, he has to go to prison. A judge does not file motions, a lawyer files a motion on the client,s behalf. The website,, states that a lawyer can shorten his client's jail time by filing a habeas corpus, a writ requesting a speedy hearing before a judge . This is the time that the trial date is set. People have always misunderstood the difference between jail and prison. Upon arrest, a detainees goes to jail, however, an arrest before the Miranda rights is read, or without the Miranda right being read, will null the charges in a court of law. Most federal detainee goes to federal jail, but they sometimes go to county jail. Reference â€Å"The Arrest Process.†

Perception Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Perception - Essay Example Step 4: Save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place, and post a copy of your summary to the Drop box. And Step 5: Read other students’ posts. Sensation and Perception Functions and Role Sensation is the basic process of detecting that a stimulus is in the world. Perception is the process involved in identifying and interpreting the stimulus that is detected in sensation. (Krantz, 1.6). Three of the main organs for sensation are eyes, ears, and skin. Eye is the organ of sight. The eyes enable us to explore the world with precision, balance, and sense of wonder. Its role in human behavior is very important as it plays a vital role in survival, reproduction, and building/maintaining social and role relationships. The ear is the hearing organ. Our ears provide a rich and complex experience of the world, complementing the visual functions. Ears influence human behavior by means of communication/language. Our ears’ perception affects mental health and our relations hip to others. The skin is the organ of touch and it is the body’s outer covering. Its function includes insulation, temperature regulation, sensation, and protection. It also gives appearance and shape. Our skin helps us withdraw from danger and reacts to environmental stimulation. Its role in behavior involves human interactions and reproduction.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Architects of building with gargoyles in New York City Research Paper

Architects of building with gargoyles in New York City - Research Paper Example Gargoyles is a Gothic design which accentuates many buildings in New York. Although some views gargoyles as more on having a superstitious relevance, some say that it is merely used as a water diversion. Schermerhorn Building is one of the most popular gargoyle accentuated building and was designed by a great architect named Henry J. Hardenbergh. He was born in New Jersey and worked as an apprentice in New York with a architectural firm for five years before opening his own practice in 1871. Many refer to Hardenbergh as the architect who â€Å"left his indelible ink† in the world of architecture. (Gillon, 1988) Henry Vaughan is an Anglo-American architect who is claimed to be the one who the Americans owe the revival of Gothic designs to. His designs consists of churches, chapels and school buildings. One of the more famous designs of Vaughan is the St. John the Divine in New York known for its gargoyles. He was in America for approximately 36 years between 1881 to 1917 and hi s contributions to the architectural field is vast and known for being highly original. (Gillon, 1988) Vaughan was just becoming established in Boston, when he came into contact with Charles Perkins Gardiner of Brookline, Massachusetts and was, at the time, dedicating himself almost exclusively to church and church-related buildings. Vaughan, as a man, had deep religious conviction who was quite totally devoted to the Anglican and Episcopalian worship as well as to the English Gothic architecture which he perceived as their true and proper architectural expression.Vaughan's scheme for handling cluttered contexts were brilliant. Although he was attached to the English Gothic religiously, bordering on fanaticism, he remains, to this day, as one of the best architects. (Gillon, 1988) The Chrysler building, designed by the architect William van Allen, is among the last skyscrapers in the Art Deco style. The gargoyles of the said building depicts Chrysler car adornmenys and the spire is sculptured on a radiator grille. Since the building's restoration in 1996, the building once again shines as it must have way back in the 1930s. Despite the magnificence of the exterior of the building, the interior is even more so. Marbles floors and a generous display of Art Deco patterns as well as the stylishly designed elevator doors makes the Chrysler Building as one of the most beautiful office towers in New York. However, as an architect, van Alen was majorly dismissed by contemporary critiques of architecture. They claim that design of spire was pure folly and ostentatious. His design of the Chrysler Building has grown in popularity despite the many criticisms and is now considered as one of the greatest buildings in America, which frequently features magazines and covers of architectural books.(Gillon, 1988) James Bogardus, architect of the 75 Murray Street Building gargoyles pioneered cast-iron architecture. He is one of the most famous architects of New York although he personally did not consider himself as an architect. He considered himself more as an inventor in the 19th-century tradition who patented cotton-spinning machinery, grinding mills, gas meters, clocks and printing apparatus.Starting by 1848, he initiated the promotion of iron buildings as fireproof, mobile and efficient. He sold his ideas to developers up until 1860's before he shifted his attention to other work interests. (Gray, 1995) A common distinguishing factor of Bogardus' design is the Medusa-head keystones which were also used in Bogardus' ill-fated Laing Stores. The said design is believed to protect homes from the entering of evil. The Greeks, similarly, sometimes used the figure of Medusa's terrible gaze in order to protect objects which includes the windows and doors considered as the eyes of the buildings. Oswald Wirz', also a gargoyles architect, uses the same concept with his use of Green Men and numerous gargoyles. (Gray, 1995) Wirz is a designer a few New York City buildings in the Gilded Age. Among those of his buildings that have survived are now land-marked

Becoming a teacher Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Becoming a teacher - Essay Example A teacher always uses a lesson plan for facilitation of student learning, offering a course study referred to as a curriculum. A curriculum according to formal education refers to planned interaction of students and pupils with materials, instructional content, resources and process for the purpose of evaluating the achievement of educational goals. Other definitions used to refer to curriculum include: All the education processes which are deliberated and guided by the education institution, whether it is performed individually or in groups, within or outside the institutional compound. Outlines the values, performances, skills, and attitudes pupils are expected to learn from the process of schooling. It comprises of statements of required pupil outcomes, the planned sequence and descriptions of materials that will be needed and implemented to help students achieve their goals. The total education experience provided by an educational institution. It includes the syllabus, the strat egies and other aspects, like values and norms in an educational environment. The roles of teachers vary among cultures since they engage in provision of education but under different fields. Teachers may therefore provide information in different fields including: arts, civics, literacy, numeracy, life skills and community roles. All these fields are covered in educational institutions where teachers provide information in regards to their areas of specialisation. It is in this case clear that, teachers graduate from their various colleges and universities having specialised in certain fields (Vygotsky, 1978, 48). This is the reason why a teacher is not able to provide education on all the subjects covered in educational institutions. These areas of specialisation that teachers provide information on are referred to as curriculum subjects. They are the units that students and pupils learn in various institutions. For a teacher to be enrolled in a certain educational institution, th ere are various standards that should be met. There are rules and regulations that govern teachers for them to carry out effective teaching making certain that all the pupils and students are well taught and that they get to understand what they are being taught (Piaget, 2001. 65). Every teacher here in the United Kingdom is expected to follow these rules and regulations to the latter. This essay seeks to explain the strategies of teaching and learning that can be implemented in English language. As a teacher i intend to implement learning and teaching strategies that will make my class understand everything in the English unit and do well in their exams at the end of the day. In teaching there are various rules and regulations that should be followed in order to make teaching effective. These standards should be followed and kept by all teaching staff. This gives a clear impression that teachers have to keep certain standards of behaviour in their working areas to make certain that their teaching undertakings are effective enough to students and pupils (Alexander, 2010, 76). Teachers are important individuals in the society because they offer knowledge to pupils and students which mould them for better future. This is an issue which makes them to be viewed as important people because without them, students and pupils cannot acquire knowledge needed in life. In this case, they are considered individuals who take part in hard work especially teachers in the lower levels where the pupils are so

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Architects of building with gargoyles in New York City Research Paper

Architects of building with gargoyles in New York City - Research Paper Example Gargoyles is a Gothic design which accentuates many buildings in New York. Although some views gargoyles as more on having a superstitious relevance, some say that it is merely used as a water diversion. Schermerhorn Building is one of the most popular gargoyle accentuated building and was designed by a great architect named Henry J. Hardenbergh. He was born in New Jersey and worked as an apprentice in New York with a architectural firm for five years before opening his own practice in 1871. Many refer to Hardenbergh as the architect who â€Å"left his indelible ink† in the world of architecture. (Gillon, 1988) Henry Vaughan is an Anglo-American architect who is claimed to be the one who the Americans owe the revival of Gothic designs to. His designs consists of churches, chapels and school buildings. One of the more famous designs of Vaughan is the St. John the Divine in New York known for its gargoyles. He was in America for approximately 36 years between 1881 to 1917 and hi s contributions to the architectural field is vast and known for being highly original. (Gillon, 1988) Vaughan was just becoming established in Boston, when he came into contact with Charles Perkins Gardiner of Brookline, Massachusetts and was, at the time, dedicating himself almost exclusively to church and church-related buildings. Vaughan, as a man, had deep religious conviction who was quite totally devoted to the Anglican and Episcopalian worship as well as to the English Gothic architecture which he perceived as their true and proper architectural expression.Vaughan's scheme for handling cluttered contexts were brilliant. Although he was attached to the English Gothic religiously, bordering on fanaticism, he remains, to this day, as one of the best architects. (Gillon, 1988) The Chrysler building, designed by the architect William van Allen, is among the last skyscrapers in the Art Deco style. The gargoyles of the said building depicts Chrysler car adornmenys and the spire is sculptured on a radiator grille. Since the building's restoration in 1996, the building once again shines as it must have way back in the 1930s. Despite the magnificence of the exterior of the building, the interior is even more so. Marbles floors and a generous display of Art Deco patterns as well as the stylishly designed elevator doors makes the Chrysler Building as one of the most beautiful office towers in New York. However, as an architect, van Alen was majorly dismissed by contemporary critiques of architecture. They claim that design of spire was pure folly and ostentatious. His design of the Chrysler Building has grown in popularity despite the many criticisms and is now considered as one of the greatest buildings in America, which frequently features magazines and covers of architectural books.(Gillon, 1988) James Bogardus, architect of the 75 Murray Street Building gargoyles pioneered cast-iron architecture. He is one of the most famous architects of New York although he personally did not consider himself as an architect. He considered himself more as an inventor in the 19th-century tradition who patented cotton-spinning machinery, grinding mills, gas meters, clocks and printing apparatus.Starting by 1848, he initiated the promotion of iron buildings as fireproof, mobile and efficient. He sold his ideas to developers up until 1860's before he shifted his attention to other work interests. (Gray, 1995) A common distinguishing factor of Bogardus' design is the Medusa-head keystones which were also used in Bogardus' ill-fated Laing Stores. The said design is believed to protect homes from the entering of evil. The Greeks, similarly, sometimes used the figure of Medusa's terrible gaze in order to protect objects which includes the windows and doors considered as the eyes of the buildings. Oswald Wirz', also a gargoyles architect, uses the same concept with his use of Green Men and numerous gargoyles. (Gray, 1995) Wirz is a designer a few New York City buildings in the Gilded Age. Among those of his buildings that have survived are now land-marked

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Personal Statement 1 Page Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal Statement 1 Page - Essay Example With reference to my qualifications, I graduated with a GPA above 3.0. Over the years, my passion in nursing career has evolved and developed into something I yearn to know more every day. Since the year I experienced the impact of a nurse in the life of an old patient eighteen years ago, I felt a deep burden in my heart to offer care, compassion and love to the sick. I remember the old man, groaning in pain and needed help. He was so dirty, yet sick; it took a selfless nurse with a ‘big heart’ to attend to the man. At that point, I marveled and realized that nursing is more than the professional qualification. Today, my dream is not just to be a good nurse, but one who is committed, compassionate and with a vision in the nursing career. I have excellent analytical skills. I have always admired the visionary pictures when I would give to the community my full potential as a nurse. I have a passion to contribute to the health and sanitation industry in my home. Since, there is a great need to become more mobile in reaching out to many patients, I would like to ensure that my desire while working in this field is significant and efficient to serve many in need. In essence, I would prefer to attend to public health issues especially children and participate in the development and improvement of hospital services. Given a change to work with your organization will greatly contribute to my dream fulfillment because of the great opportunity to enhance direct transformation (Learn4Good Ltd 2013). In the first three years after my graduation, I would like to spend it learning new skills and accruing immense wealth of experience. My focus is in consolidating strong academic qualifications with a wide background in nursing and phlebotomy. My efficiency lies in the ability to have competence in judging and accepting responsibility in completing tasks is essential. Ultimately, the ability to

United Nations Essay Example for Free

United Nations Essay â€Å"The UN is made up of 191 nations from around the world. It is frequently called the UN. It was established in 1945 soon after the Second World War as a means of bringing people together and to avoid war. The UN logo depicts the world held in the olive branches of peace†. (CBBC Newsround) United Nations: Post Cold War Era The United Nations is considered to be an international entity that has â€Å"struggled with the challenges of globalization for several years, especially since the Asian financial crisis† (Ruggie, 2003, p. 1); it has power, according to one people, to solve the international issues such as wars; however to another group of people, the United Nations has its own certain limitations beyond which it cannot operate or seems not to be operating. The very first evidence in this regard when the United Nations is seen almost completely paralyzed despite with all its might is the Cold War era that stretched over 40 years. In this connection, Holmes (1993) informs us that â€Å"For over 40 years, the Cold War conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union paralyzed the peacekeeping functions of the United Nations. With few exceptions, the United Nations and other multinational organizations were ineffective in resolving major conflicts because of the zero-sum nature of the Cold War†. In 1993, Holmes critically reviewed the United Nations’ operation in the scenario of the Post Cold War era and that time he came up with the observation that the United Nations had a heavy hand put by the United States of America. He tells us that the United Nations operations like peacemaking, peace-enforcement, and military involvement were limited for certain reasons such as the huge monetary aid, the troops contribution by world states to back up the United Nations’ force. These limitations, according to Holms, kept United Nations a body that was not independently powerful to take actions against any mayhem going on in the world. He tells us of the U. S. policymakers that how they would look for the loopholes where they could make a way into the controlling of the United Nations so the national sovereignty could be secured: â€Å"The challenge for U. S. policy makers is to identify these circumstances and to develop guidelines for ensuring that U. S. interests are protected. The United States should, in this regard, be sensitive to three variables: (1) how a peacekeeping operation affects American national security; (2) how much it costs; and (3) the degree to which it erodes American sovereignty† (Holmes, 1993, p. 1). The kernel point to Holmes (1993) is that the United Nations is not a free body to work without pressure from a country (the U. S. ) so â€Å"if it attempts to overreach its powers, and pretends to be an independent force in international politics, the United Nations will surely fail in maintaining any kind of world peace and stability† (Holmes, 1993, p. 1). Moving ahead we witness a similar remark made by O’Brien (2003) that â€Å"The United Nations was conceived by the United States 60 years ago to express, embody and extend American ideals†; yet there is another observation by Goff (2003) that the United Nations is only as strong as is the will of the states which run it: â€Å"The United Nations system relies on the collective will of all its members. It is these member states that set its priorities. The United Nations cannot act without their consent. It falls, therefore, upon us all to make the United Nations relevant in todays world† (2003, p. 1). Frankly speaking, In practice the United Nation has not developed as was first imagined initially it was composed mainly of the Allies of World War II, largely European major countries, , and nations of the Americas and Commonwealth countries. It was imagine as an organization of â€Å"peace-loving† nations, who were uniting to stop future aggression and for other humanitarian reasons. However, Close cooperation among members was predicted; and the Security Council especially was predicted to work in relative unanimity. Hopes for necessary accord were soon crashed by the frictions of the â€Å"cold war†, which impacted the functioning of both the Security Council and other UN organs. The United Nation has played a comparatively secondary role in the most world crises, including 1973; the Pakistan-India War of 1971; the Afghanistan war and Vietnam Israeli-Arab Wars of 1967. However in the very begging of 1970s the united nation amplified its activity in the development of less dominant countries. (Schuijt, 2005) â€Å"Even as the U. N. is called on to tackle enormous problems like ethnic, state and religious conflicts and sustainable use of natural resources, the organization reflects the imbalance of power that exists between powerful and weak nations† (Schuijt, 2005) Certainly, it would be true to say that some dominant countries are using the United Nations as a vehicle for their own interest and rule over the world. David Shorr cited the great example on this thing in â€Å"world have the UN they deserve by saying that the â€Å"The UN is only as strong or as week as governments want it to be. Member states should stop using the UN as a â€Å"scapegoat† for governments’ failure to achieve international consensus. The UN cannot change on its own; the responsibility lies with governments to implement reform in the best interest of the UN†. (Shorr, 2006) Many developing countries’ leaders opine that the UN in every aspect discriminates between developing and non-developing countries. Moreover, the UN is playing a dual role for different countries in every aspect, whether politics, social norms, safety, security etc. for instance, Bahamas continues to emphasize the need for bigger and more comprehensive discussion of globalization and its effects on the well-being of concerned commonwealths, with the United Nations given a role in solving these issues. Further they quoted that, we have continuously expressed dangerous concerns over certain decisions by the United Nations or its organs that were not coherent with the aims and intentions of the Charter. However, nothing was done to right the wrong. When errors are discovered, it becomes our obligation to correct them. They further emphasized, that UN should go over the legal political basis of its own undertakings in the period of 1950s and 1960s in relation to the cardinal rights of our Melanesian sisters and brothers in the Asia-Pacific region, especially in West Papua and the UN must not in this â€Å"The United Nations cannot and must not, in this new millennium, carry on to turn a blind eye on its own past failures, which has led UN to three long, agonizing decades of injustice, tragedy and guerrilla warfare in West Papua. It is morally, politically and legally wrong to do so. The Organization has competent bodies, such as the Special Committee on decolonization or the International Court of Justice, which should look into the matter. The Netherlands -– the former colonial Power –- should recognize its share of the responsibility in helping to resolve the situation of West Papua in a peaceful and transparent manner. †(World Leaders Adopt, 2000) But on the other hand, developing countries member like the US and UK deploring this fact that they are using the UN for their own interests and they also believe that being a powerful member of the UN they have to offset things in an news paper article published in June 16,2005 in Los Angles Times US put US reforms first and declared that â€Å"United States — a veto-holding member of the council along with Britain, France, Russia and China — believes that a bigger group would not necessarily be better†. (Farley, 2005) Another example is the Republic of Paula who surely believes that the UN will strive hard to embrace the remaining non-member nations around the globe. And in this aspect, they hope that the UN will change his rigorous attitude towards developing countries. Besides this, they are confident that these goals at a certain extent are achievable like through the help of 2000 UN reforms. They further disclosed the facts that, â€Å"The United Nations has enabled smaller, developing and least developed countries, such as my own, to contribute to world peace in our own albeit small way. Whilst there have been measurable benefits from membership of the Organization, it also has the positive scope to deliver much more equitable changes†. (World Leaders Adopt, 2000) United Nations’ Reforms However, after 2000 the United Nations met severe criticism for its operations and seemingly dependence over the United States of America. Moreover, there were issues of better managing the in-organization matters such as security, funding, and so on. Thus, a series of reform episodes started making its place in the pages of United Nations’ history. It was expedited after the Iraq invasion by the United States of America as the â€Å"oil-for-food† became the household phrase of international politics. For example, President Bush’s frequently quoted remark â€Å"America will never seek a permission slip to defend the security of our country† is something that reminds us of the absolute power days when slavery was practiced. (Schaefer and B. Kim, 2004) Thus, all these mayhem led people such as Annan to come up with some solid say that would, at least on the surface, guarantee the impartial role of the United Nations in the world and the through some solid reforms. As such Annan came up with the three major areas that needed to be redefined for the better operations of the United Nations. These were: development, security, and human right. These opened up for the public in the year 2005 and â€Å"The secretary general’s report [was] based on tow earlier studies. One was done by the committee he appointed [in 2004] to propose U. N. reforms. The second study was about how to meet goals set five years ago for reducing world poverty in half by twenty fifteen. † (Gollust, 2005) Nonetheless, by seeing the US 2000 reforms one can easily understand that the US government uses the UN for their own countries political interests to a certain extent, it is believed that America and some other dominant countries being a Vito power uses UN as a scapegoat. But on the other hand American denies these facts in a news paper article â€Å"George Mitchell, a former U. S. Senate majority leader and a co-chairman of the Task Force on the United Nations, which was created by the U. S. Congress, said he had encountered objections to American sponsorship of the reforms and had tried to combat them. Its wrong to think that reform is a favor done for the U. S. , he said. I make the argument to countries that their long-range interest is served by supporting this. While we have indicated that this is an American priority that is a conclusion that they ought to be reaching for themselves. † (Hoge, 2005) Moreover, 22nd Meeting of Chairmen/Coordinators of the Group of 77 held in Geneva in 7-9 july 1997, the chirman said that â€Å"The United Nations must carry out its mandated, comprehensive role in the economic and social areas. This includes policy analysis, consensus building, policy formulation and coordination, and delivery of technical assistance to developing countries† (22nd Meeting of Chairmen, 1997) This is an area for more study, to see the Iran ongoing nuclear scenario one would easily conceive the role of the UN in Iran nuclear technology. In this regard, The Irani government countinously accusing the UN. â€Å"Ahmadinejad said while giving interview in CBC News in Sep 19, 2006 they were transparent, peaceful and under the watchful eye of United Nations inspectors. He questioned why his country was being denied its own nuclear program when others have not†. (CBC News, 2006) In January 1992, Boutros Boutros-Ghali of Egypt assumed as the UN’s first post-Cold War Secretary General under the enormous pressure from the US and also from the lobby groups like the ICC (International Chamber of Commerce), he instantly set to work reforming the secretariat and annihilating programs that drew the acutest corporate warned by his advisors that the IMF and world bank based in Washington DC and under big influence by the United States treasury had a comparative degree of advantage over the united nation in the both macro and micro economic policy domain and that the united nation lose creditability if it for some reason did not scale back its efforts in this area. The UN secretary general’s official believes that the â€Å"UN â€Å"must change or die† and that it must reach out to â€Å"new actors† in a globalizing world, beyond the nation-state members†. (Paine, 2000) Conclusion The United Nations must abandon the double-standard and come up with the peaceful solutions to maintain the security and peace, combat problems such as environmental degradation, diseases and terrorism and guarantee a dialogue among nations. â€Å"The developing countries should be helped to reduce their foreign debt. Throughout its history, the United Nations has achieved enormous successes, including the solution of various conflicts throughout the world†. (World Leaders Adopt, 2000) In the end, I would like to say that it would be good for the world that the UN must abandon double standards between dominant and developing countries and should come up with peaceful solution for the sake both world security and safety. The first duty of the UN should assure all countries in terrorism, disease, environmental degradation and so on. Obviously, the developing countries should be giving sufficient help in unburden their foreign debts. The duty of the United Nations is to promote and develop like Somalia and other African regions. The United Nations should provide equality guarantee to underdeveloped in terms of every thing human rights to politics. References 22nd Meeting of Chairmen/Coordinators of the Group of 77 Chapters Geneva, 7-9 July 1997, Statement Of Principles on UN reform Brett D. Schaefer and Anthony B. Kim (July 9, 2004). Forging Freedom Coalitions to Promote U. S. Priorities in the United Nations CBBC Newsround | UNITED NATIONS | What is the UN? http://news. bbc. co. uk/cbbcnews/hi/find_out/guides/world/united_nations/newsid_1721000/1721851. stm Accessed, April 18, 2007 CBC News UN being abused by West: Iranian PM (Tuesday, September 19, 2006) David Shorr, March 7, 2006 World Leaders Have the UN they Deserve Ellen Paine (October 2000), The Road to the Global Compact: Corporate Power And The Battle Over global public policy at the united Nations John Gerard Ruggie (2003). The United Nations and Globalization: Patterns and Limits of Institutional Adaptation. Global Governance, 9(3), 301+ Kim R. Holmes (1993). New world disorder: A critique of the United Nations. Journal of International Affairs, 46(2), 323-340. Columbia University School of International Public Affairs Martin Schuijt (November 29, 2005). The Mother of All Coalitions. (November 30, 2005). Inter Press Service Maggie Farley, News paper article, Los Angeles Times (June 16, 2005), US Puts UN Reform First, Official Says Press Release: (8 September 2000). World Leaders Adopt ‘United Nations Millennium Declaration’ At Conclusion of Extraordinary Three-Day Summit

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Reciprocating Pump Engineering Essay

The Reciprocating Pump Engineering Essay A pump is a mechanical device which helps to move fluids including liquids or gases. It is basically a hydraulic machine which converts the mechanical energy to the hydraulic energy. The hydraulic energy is been present in form of the pressure energy. There are various types of pumps such as positive displacement pumps, velocity pumps, Buoyancy pumps, Impulse pumps. The various different pumps are also been sub-classified in various other pumps. Positive Displacement pumps are one of the most commonly used pumps. They are sub-divided in to Reciprocating and Rotary pumps. Typical types of the Reciprocating pumps are Plunger pumps and Diaphragm Pumps. The Plunger pump is also known as Piston Pumps. The Reciprocating Pumps are highly efficient pumps which are even suitable for the very high heads at low flows. It is a self priming type of pump as it can draw the fluid from the level below the suction flange if the suction pipe is not evacuated. There should be a smooth flow required for achieving a good efficiency (Chinnuraj, 2009). The complete system is based on the design of the pump. The head of cylinder is been mounted with suction and discharge valves. The fluid enters the pump through the suction valve and goes out threw the discharge valve. In suction stroke, suction valve opens when the plunger retracts. The liquid gets pushes out of the discharge valve in the forward stroke. Reciprocating system has a pulsating discharge and it totally depend on the speed of the pump which can be easily altered. The intake of the fluid in the pump is always at a constant volume. They are often used for slurry and sludge. There are various different designs from rest of the pumps. The design containing single-acting motion discharges fluid from only one side of the piston. There is only one suction and discharge per revolution of the crank shaft. The other design is the double-acting piston design where the suction and the discharge occurs on the either side of the piston resulting in double suction and double discharge per revolution of crack shaft. Classification of PD Pump Positive Displacement pump are been classified as follows: Positive Displacement Pump Rotary Pump Single Rotor -Vane -Piston -Flexible -Member Screw -Simplex -Duplex -Triplex -Multiplex -Simplex -Duplex Double Acting Single Acting Diaphragm Piston Plunger Reciprocating Pump Simplex Multiplex Multi Rotor -Gear Lobe Circumferential Piston -Screw (Gates, 2010) Working Principle of Reciprocating Pump The working principle of the Reciprocating pump is very simple; it operates on the principle that a volume of liquid would be displaced by solid equal to its own volume. The mechanical energy is been converted in to the pressure energy and takes place due to the suction of the liquid into the cylinder in which the piston is having a reciprocating motion (linear motion-threw and fore). This exerts the thrust on the fluid and hydraulic energy gets increased gradually. In single acting reciprocating pumps, a single piston moves forward and backward in a closed tight cylinder. The linear motion of the piston in the cylinder is been given by connecting piston to the crank with the help of a connecting rod. An electric motor is been used to give motion to the crank and the rotary motion is been converted to the linear motion by the help of the connecting rod. The working principle is somewhat similar to the car engines where the piston has the same movement threw some similar kind of motio ns. In Reciprocating Pump, the suction valve allows the fluid to enter where as the discharge valve tends to discharge it from the cylinder (Chinnuraj, 2009). Fig 01: Working Principle of Reciprocating Pump (Getting Started in HPLC, 2001) Types of Reciprocating Pumps The Reciprocating Pumps are usually classified as follows: Direct or Indirect acting Simplex (single) or duplex (double) Single   acting   or   double   acting High pressure or low pressure The direct acting pumps are one of the most common type of pump been used. It is been known so as in the particular design the pump rod is a direct extension of the piston rod in which the lower end is been directly connected to the piston in the cylinder. Single and Double action pumps is as mentioned earlier. Single action has a single suction and a single discharge per revolution and Double action pump has two suctions and discharges per revolution. Applications Reciprocating Pumps have a very large contribution to the society with plenty of uses. They are been used for no. of small and large applications including irrigation, chemical movement, sewage movement, flood control and marine applications and even many more. Designing factors like size and type of pump depends on the usage. They are been used in various purposes such as: High pressure jets: The purpose of pumps used is producing a direct high jet pressure of the fluid. The inlet flow is at a constant flow and pressure but the discharge at a high velocity and therefore results to high amount of pressure. Chemical Injection: The Reciprocating Pumps are even used in the chemical industry where they need to inject the chemical in a certain flow or pressure. It is been used at very high precise and accuracy Irrigation: The pump is usually used in farms and gardens to distribute water throughout equally and automatically without any sort of manual efforts. Sewage movement: The pump are been used to move the slurry or sewage material in a very easy and automatic way. The main advantage is the time constraint. It takes very less time as well as it is very cheap compared to other techniques. Marine application: The vast amount of usage is being the marine sector where they need to use water movement from one part to other through a pump. The pump is very easy and compact source of product which can be installed very easily and without any maintenance in future. In marine field pump is used for: Lubricating oil transfer Fuel oil transfer Auxiliary circulating and condensate. Domestic uses: Reciprocating pump is even used as domestic purposes. In olden days it was very common to use a hand pump which was a type of reciprocating pump with help of which we can pull the underground water for various purposes such as home usage, irrigation, construction, small scale industry and many more. Discharge and Pressure Characteristics The working principle and the characteristic is been keenly observed earlier. It is been very easy to analyse the discharge and pressure constraints of reciprocating pumps. The discharge of the reciprocating pump is not uniform and stable. The discharge characteristic depends on: Head flow of fluid Fluid density Speed of reciprocating piston Pump size and design The discharge is completely non-uniform and throttling. The pulsating property of the discharge fluid is seen. This is because the piston moves at a high velocity hitting the fluid out wards and the hitting of the piston is not a continuous act which can give a uniform pressure outlet. Despite of vital use, the reciprocating pump still encounter pulsating pressure which is been seen at the suction and discharge lines. This pulsating feature is result of the interaction between unstable flow of fluid and the dynamic characteristics of the fluid particles. Pressure pulsating in the suction line can lead to the cavitation, either in the line itself or in the cylinder chamber. If cavitation is been experienced at the start of the piston stroke than the piston loading and the crank assembly can fail. Because of all this factors it reduces the life of the pump and also affects the safety conditions (K A Edge, 1997) Pump Performance and Efficiency The head of flow against which the pump works is called total head, H. The total head of the pump is the energy imparted to the liquid by the pump. H = hd hg Therefore, the effective head of a pump is expressed by the following equation: H = Equation 1 (Sorensen, 1969) This design principle of the pump work similarly as that of the turbines. The energy of supplied to the pump by the rotating shaft to move the piston inside the cylinder, in terms of bhp: Energy, e = = The capacity of the pump is proportional to its displacement per unit time, D. Assuming 100% of the hydraulic efficiency of the pump, the displacement of the pump is calculated. The displacement is the calculated capacity of pump which is proportional to: Cross-sectional area of piston, A Length of the stroke, S No. of cylinders, n Pump speed in rpm (gallons per minute) D = (A ÃÆ'- S ÃÆ'- n ÃÆ'- rpm) / 231 In case of double acting pumps, the cross sectional area is twice to be taken in to account from which the cross sectional area of piston rod (a) is subtracted. In double acting pumps, D = ((2A a) ÃÆ'- S ÃÆ'- n ÃÆ'- rpm) / 231 The volumetric efficiency of the pump is expresses in terms of percentage. It is directly proportional to the ratio of the total discharge volume to piston displacement. The ratio (r) is equal to (c + d)/d where: D = volume displaced by piston C = Additional volume between the discharge and suction valves. So it is clearly seen that smaller the ratio, the volumetric efficiency is tend to be better. Mathematically it is expressed as: VE = 1 (P ÃÆ'- b ÃÆ'- r ) S Where P is pressure B is the liquid compressibility factor R is volume ratio S is the slip. (Joe Evans, 2004) Losses in Reciprocating Pump There are various losses which are been encountered in the pump such as: Frictional losses Head losses Heat transfer losses The various losses occur due to the friction and the movement of the fluid. It depends on the head flow of fluid, density of the fluid, piston speed and the fluid suction capacity as well as discharge. There are lots of constraints been involved here, but it simply can be minimised but not 100% avoided. Advantages Easy in working Inexpensive Compact and Easy to install Low maintenance Works at high speed and at low power Disadvantages The major disadvantage of the reciprocating pump is that it has a discontinuous discharge flow which with variable pressure and hence it adversely affects the potential of the pump usage. There are various techniques been used to minimise the pulsating feature but it still tend to create problems. There are some technical ways used to minimise it by using sensors or throttle valves which keeps the discharge pressure uniform, but it does affect the overall flow and creates a kind of friction to the overall discharge pressure. Secondly, it has a disadvantage that it is prone to flow separation at the lowest pressure point in the system. The design of the system is such that this problem would be there and cannot be solved. The various different tries and practical experiments to minimise it would not work till the design is not thoroughly changed. In spite of all this disadvantages it is still a very useful product and widely used.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Birth Order Essay -- Analysis, Alfred Adler

Dating all the way back to the late 1800’s, Birth order has been studied thoroughly. An incredible amount of psychologist and doctors have studied how birth order, or a person’s rank by age among his or her siblings, can affect a child’s personality. Researchers find it difficult to find conclusions due to the fact that it is hard to establish a control group that has controlled variables. Experts say that â€Å"different social status, location of the family, and size of the family can create confusion and affect the quality of conclusions† (Hartshone par. 2). The first study done was by Alfred Adler, an Austrian psychiatrist born in 1870-1937. Adler argued that â€Å"birth order can leave an indelible impression on an individual’s style of life† (Voo Par. 2). A child’s â€Å"style of life† is one’s habitual way of dealing with the tasks of love, friendship, and work. Alfred Adler’s study concluded that birth order can affect all aspects of the developing child. According to Adler, â€Å"First-borns are forcefully taken off their throne when the second child comes along, which could create lasting controversy between them. He said, â€Å"The younger children may be pampered and spoiled† (Haines Par. 3). This may leave an effect on their later personalities. He also wrote about how other things should be considered in regards to the birth order outcomes such as the number of years between the birth of the oldest, middle, and youngest child. Experts have found that each child, depending on bi rth order, has certain tendencies. Nature vs. Nurture has much to do with the way a child’s personality will be formed. â€Å"Certainly, many individual traits and tendencies among brothers and sisters are the products of a unique arrangement of genes (Renkl Par. 2).†... ...nil.† (Education Par. 6) They did however, say that the only study which did show birth order effects apparent were the ones that were judged by their parents or siblings. The researchers were not the ones to find the effects. Therefore, this made the study result in there not being effects on birth order. This is just one example of how birth order is a very disputing and controversial study going on. In conclusion, birth order is indeed studied very thoroughly. Birth order can be the result of a unique arrangement of genes, or it can be the way you were raised and the environment you grew up in. Birth order may not even affect your personality at all! Psychologist and doctors will continue to work on new experiments and studies. New information is released all the time. There is no doubt we will have a much better understanding of birth order in the future.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Taste of American Pie :: Ethnicity Mexican American Essays

A Taste of American Pie Sunday morning. The smell of flour tortillas warming on the kitchen stove would waft all the way to my room. I could hear the radio play scratchy ranchera tunes to which my mother always seemed to know the words. If I lay long enough in bed, my mother would walk in the room and try to wake me up, resorting to singing my name or an old Spanish nursery rhyme if all else failed. Ask me where home is, and I'll tell you just this. This is home. This is me. All I've ever known is Mexican culture. Both of my parents were born in Mexico, and I myself have never lived more than a few hours from the border. I've never known a Christmas without tamales or a September 16 th without celebration. But I am not just Mexican. I am Mexican-American. MÃ ©xico may be home, but America is where I live. I find here in college that I am just beginning to learn what it means to be American. I used to think that I would find that meaning through a sort of duality; anything that was n't Mexican or part of the minority would have to be American. Ironically, the idea of "Americanness" was closer to home. I've come to realize that to be American is to know and share myself. America is a conglomerate of many cultures. As such, it possesses no single, distinct culture. There is no one overarching "American" culture that is independent of all those that make it up. The supposed "melting pot" of peoples is not exactly an accurate portrayal of America. This nation is dotted with cultural enclaves that nurture their own customs and traditions rather than fuse them with others. I, for one, would not give up my Mexican identity to become simply American. I am sure that many would agree that we are all more than American. Each culture, therefore, remains fundamentally unique, never really "melting" into another. To call yourself "American" is to recognize that you are a small, albeit integral, part of a greater phenomenon.

Effects of Social Networking Sites Essay

Traffic to social networking sites (SNS) like Facebook, Twitter and MySpace has increased due to ongoing popularity with younger Internet users. Online villainy, such as cyber-bullying and sexting among the younger generations, has become alarmingly frequent through these sites. Recently, teenagers and tweens have not only been the victims, but also the perpetrators of these acts. This growing trend is said to be attributed to the amount of time these children spend on the Internet, mainly on social networking sites. The Internet provides a place where its users feel that their identity is concealed, allowing them to post or distribute harmful things that they wouldn’t normally do in a social setting. Through this younger generation, the online self has found a way to escape from its confinements on the web and work its way into society. Schools are struggling to discipline students who speak out of line to authorities and use crude language inside what is supposed to be a secure environment. Some say that the Internet is causing intelligence and mannerisms to decrease with extended use. Another problem, that is being brought to light, is the evolving form of bullying through the Internet. Parents and educators are having a hard time preventing this due to unfamiliarity they still consider bullying to be a violent act through physical contact. With the new generation, bullying is virtual as well as physical, flip-flopping between settings. The extreme contrast between these two different types of bullying makes the online one both hard to spot, and hard to discipline; the rules are different. Read more:Â  Social Networking Sites and its Impact on Youth The news has reported tragic stories of young adults committing rash acts after enduring online bullying that include: fighting back with escalated violence, sending computer viruses, dropping out of school and even committing suicide. A very small percent of children that are cyberbullied actually talk to their parents about the problem. With Internet violence rising with the increase in social networking sites’ members, younger Internet users must be educated on the dangers of the online world, and the emotional and mental affects that can come from Internet abuse.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Explain How An Organisation Can Cost A Product And Determine Its Price At Any Activity Level

You may wish to choose a business you already have knowledge of from trips or your part-time employer. For a product of your choice: 1. Clearly explain the main cost elements and the nature of those costs – define and give relevant examples of variable, fixed, semi-variable, direct and indirect costs 2. Suggest the weekly production level and a breakdown of costs for one product from your chosen business. Then calculate the marginal and absorption costs per unit. 3. Describe at least 2 methods of setting the price, including cost-plus pricing. Then suggest which method is best suited to your chosen business’ product and why. You may wish to choose a business you already have knowledge of from trips or your part-time employer. For a product of your choice:Clearly explain the main cost elements and the nature of those costs – define and give relevant examples of variable, fixed, semi-variable, direct and indirect costs2. Suggest the weekly production level and a breakdown of costs for one product from your chosen business. Then calculate the marginal and absorption costs per unit. 3. Describe at least 2 methods of setting the price, including cost-plus pricing. Then suggest which method is best suited to your chosen business’ product and why.You may wish to choose a business you already have knowledge of from trips or your part-time employer. For a product of your choice: 1. Clearly explain the main cost elements and the nature of those costs – define and give relevant examples of variable, fixed, semi-variable, direct and indirect costs 2. Suggest the weekly production level and a breakdown of costs for one product from your chosen business. Then calculate the marginal and absorption costs per unit. 3. Describe at least 2 methods of setting the price, including cost-plus pricing. Then suggest which method is best suited to your chosen business’ product and why.You may wish to choose a business you already have knowledge of from trips or your part-time employer. For a product of your choice: 1. Clearly explain the main cost elements and the nature of those costs – define and give relevant examples of variable, fixed, semi-variable, direct and indirect costs 2. Suggest the weekly production level and a breakdown of costs for one product from your chosen business. Then calculate the marginal and absorption costs per unit. 3. Describe at least 2 methods of setting the price, including cost-plus pricing. Then suggest which method is best suited to your chosen business’ product and why. You may wish to choose a business you already have knowledge of from trips or your part-time employer. For a product of your choice: 1. Clearly explain the main cost elements and the nature of those costs – define and give relevant examples of variable, fixed, semi-variable, direct and indirect costs 2. Suggest the weekly production level and a breakdown of costs for one product from your chosen business. Then calculate the marginal and absorption costs per unit. 3. Describe at least 2 methods of setting the price, including cost-plus pricing. Then suggest which method is best suited to your chosen business’ product and why.You may wish to choose a business you already have knowledge of from trips or your part-time employer. For a product of your choice: 1. Clearly explain the main cost elements and the nature of those costs – define and give relevant examples of variable, fixed, semi-variable, direct and indirect costs 2. Suggest the weekly production level and a breakdown of costs for one product from your chosen business. Then calculate the marginal and absorption costs per unit. 3. Describe at least 2 methods of setting the price, including cost-plus pricing. Then suggest which method is best suited to your chosen business’ product and why.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Roman Republic Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Roman Republic - Research Paper Example The differences between Catliana’s approach and those of other factions will also be assessed. The Caitlian conspiracy occurred during a background of economic and social problems that had been plaguing Rome for more than a year. Living conditions were deteriorating for many Italian peasants, levels of debt were rising and so were the numbers of the urban poor; additionally, small farms were declining and there was a shortage of men available to serve in the army.(Cicero and Shapiro ) A radical Roman politician named Lucius Sergius Catiliana was responsible for gathering together a group of Roman nobles who were disaffected, together with farmers who were disaffected in a conspiracy which aimed to overthrow the existing Government at Rome, so that they could take control of the Italian peninsula. This was a Republican Government that was in power while the proconsul Pompeii the Great was out campaigning in the Near east, together with a majority of the military units that had accompanied him there. Catiliana and his band of rebellious followers were present in the capital Rome, as well as in the province of Eturia. The existence f the conspiracy was uncovered by the conservative, optimate consul, Marcus Tullius Cicero and he successfully drive Catliana and his followers out of Rome. Church (no date) has provided a detailed description of the conspiracy that was organized by Catiliana in his book titled â€Å"Roman life in the days of Cicero†. The actual conspiracy was preceded by an earlier one that aimed to assassinate the new consuls. Church (no date) points out that Catliana was born into a noble family, which had however, fallen into poverty. During the days of Sulla, individuals from similar families that had been former noblemen but had descended into poverty, decided to come together to seize power once again. Catliana was cruel and wicked,

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Comparitive Paper on Ways of Knowing and The Serpent and the Rainbow Essay

Comparitive Paper on Ways of Knowing and The Serpent and the Rainbow - Essay Example Even though outwardly appearing to follow the Christian identity accorded to them by the Euro-Canadian people, they have kept their traditions alive. Jean-Guy Goulet in her book presents her understanding of the social life in the form of a certain practices that are still alive and relevant today to the identity of the Dene Tha’ of Chateh. The concept of unseen reality holds a significant place in the way the Dene Tha view their knowledge. They interact with the dead through ‘dreams’ or ‘visions’. The soul is believed to travel outside the body of the dreamer to visit ‘the other land’. This journey is treated the same way as when a Dene Tha’ travels and meets what would be ‘a real person’ to us and ‘a person living in this land’ to them. â€Å"The Dene Tha differentiate between ndahdigeh, "our land," and echuhdigeh, "the other land," and their respective inhabitants, but they do not do so in the way Euro-North Americans may oppose the natural and the supernatural, the field of science on the one hand and the field of mysticism, magic, and religion on the other. The other land, also referred to as yake, "heaven," is experienced firsthand in dreams or in visions when the soul journeys away from the body. It is in the other land that one meets relatives who have passed away as well as Christian figures such as Mary and Jesus. Dene Tha Elders easily follow an account of a trip to a nearby town with a story of a journey to the other land. To the nearby town in our land they traveled by car. To the other land they traveled with their souls. In both cases they visit actual places and meet real, living people.† (Goulet, 1998) They treat the knowledge gained through these experiences the same way they would treat knowledge gained through encounters with living people. It is treated as experiential learning, a primary source, a direct evidence of truth. This is evident

Monday, October 7, 2019

Business Law and ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business Law and ethics - Essay Example Yet, conflict itself is only one part of a much larger equation. Conflict, regardless of the organization or entity in question, is very much a real and measurable part of the way in which interaction between individuals takes place. However, at the moment in which an ethical conflict is determined to exist, the level and extent to which an individual is required to become not only part of the issue but work towards a solution is immediately denoted. As such, the conflict of interests and key pressures that exist within the business world oftentimes coincide to create a situation in which a possible â€Å"solution† to the conflict involves an unethical approach. Ultimately, even though these situations seem to be somewhat clear and readily understood, the level and extent to which an ethical issue or conflict exists is not only as black and white as it may appear. Oftentimes, both sides of a particular conflict are willing and able to utilize an unethical approach as a means o f solving the issue. ... ethical dilemma although a great litany of different questions should spring to mind when an individual faces an ethical dilemma, some of the first and most effective questions are contingent not upon who to blame; rather, the researcher/participant should instead focus upon seeking to understand what stakeholders are involved, understand what issues have prompted the disagreement, and seeks to promote a level of cooperation in achieving a mutually beneficial and ethically sound resolution. Moreover, when approaching a question that is links to an ethical dilemma, the individual should also seeks to divorce themselves from the level of bias. This includes, but is not limited to, attempting to understand the situation not from the standpoint of the stakeholders entirely but also from an ethical delineation of what is morally appropriate and how the different stakeholders involved in the situation would be affected within any particular course of action that is chosen to be taken. 3) D emonstrate the ability to identify and take into account others' interests Although the previous section has been concentric upon understanding the various roles that different interests/stakeholders have with regards to key issues of ethical nature, and ability to intensify, empathize, and take into account the interests of these individuals, beyond merely the ethical ramifications of the actions, is another component necessity that an individual seeking to provide a positive benefit within an ethical dilemma must engage. Ultimately, as was denoted within the first section of this analysis, the conflict that develops between groups of people, or individuals for that matter, is invariably part of everyday life. Ultimately, the interests that constrain these conflicts are the causal factors

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Introduction to Emergency Planning and Operations; Types of Essay - 1

Introduction to Emergency Planning and Operations; Types of Emergencies and Disasters - Essay Example Precise officially permitted limits are set down for innumerable â€Å"chemical contaminants and naturally-occurring toxicants† in foodstuff (Table 1.0). Traditionally, these were countrywide restrictions put in place by the UK government. Though, these nationalized limits had been outmoded by the limits set by the EU Commission in the last few years. MAFF embarks a yearly program of assessment for meticulous chemical contaminants and naturally-occurring toxicants with an intention to determine the extent to which consumers are bare to presence of objectionable levels of contaminants or naturally-occurring toxicants in available foodstuffs. Observation program for entity contaminants or naturally-occurring toxicants is performed for a range of reasons: The MAFF â€Å"Joint Food Safety and Standards Group† (JFSSG) issues a â€Å"Surveillance and Short Term Research and Development Requirements Document† once a year inviting latent contractors to propose tenders for inspection surveys in evidently pre-specified vicinities. The independent laboratories execute investigation of food samples collected from assorted sources. The â€Å"sampling procedure† espoused depends mainly on the precise aspirations of the analysis, even though a core objective that lies beneath this effort is to evaluate levels of harmful chemicals in the countrywide diet and to calculate approximately the consumption of toxics. This policy looms towards controlling the levels of chemical contaminants and naturally occurring toxicants identified to cause a health dilemma at the present time, even as endeavoring to categorize novel tribulations as they occur and develop techniques of control in the outlook. â€Å"Mean rating scores† for the potency of the existing supervision program for policy of â€Å"chemical contaminants and naturally-occurring toxicants† present in food materials are detailed below in Table 1.1. The most

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Develop strategic HRM plans and policies for an organisation Essay

Develop strategic HRM plans and policies for an organisation - Essay Example The main aspects which are identified include areas of recruitment and selections, training and development, communication programs, performance management systems and even conflict management. Besides implementing fairness in all of the above HR aspects it is recommended that the organizations provides a common platform for all in which they could voice any problem faced with regards to diversity. Hurdle free communication channels, instant and continuous support from executives for resolving diversity issues and grievances handling are particularly recommended. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Introduction 4 HRM plans and policies for an organization operating in the global business environment 5 Conclusion and Recommendations 11 Bibliography 15 Introduction Today’s organizations seek to attain excellence through diversity. However, the term diversity is often seen to raise controversy, confusion and complication. However, despite the various severe implications of dive rsity, organizations continue to encourage diversity at the workplace. This is primarily applicable for the large and multinational organizations which have multinational presence across all corners of the globe. The word diversity immediately brings to mind the differences in race and ethnicity rather than gender of the workforce. In other words diversity is defined as those human qualities and characteristics which different between individuals and groups but are existent in the people outside the group. It is rather important to realize that the concept of diversity includes very many different dimensions apart from age, gender, race, geographic location, religious beliefs, work experiences etc. These dimensions have important implications for performance and productivity, success and motivation and interactions among employees in the organization. It is important that organizations use these dimensions to their use and advantage rather than focusing on their elimination. That is why managing diversity has emerged as a popular concept in organizational scenario today and is widely practiced in almost all organizations; the multinational organizations in particular. They accept the fact that diversity contributes to the richness of the organization and enhances the quality of organizational life for groups and individuals. Today’s organizations take pride in workforce differences and use them to their own benefit. The project seeks to make an analysis of the various dimensions of diversity in organizations and their implications in organizational life. Based on the analysis it developed human resource management policies and practices aimed at managing a diverse workforce in the global organizations. Specific recommendations are provided in the form of strategic HRM plans for an organization which is expanding its presence in the global market. HRM plans and policies for an organization operating in the global business environment Organizations workin g in the global market must strive to create a harmonious and inclusive environment as it enhances their reputation as being favorable recruiters and allows them to attract and retain the best talents from the industry. The main aspect of managing a diverse workforce is to provide employees with the feeling of inclusiveness, rewarded and valued despite their differences. This helps to motivate them and attain their maximum engagement at the workplace. In a survey